Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Andrea Leitch

Andrea Leitch is the online editor for TulsaPeople magazine. She is also an alumness of the University of Oklahoma. Due to her work ethic as an intern at Vogue and Tulsa people, along with the sacrifices she made in school, she was able to find her bliss at TulsaPeople. She is a perfect example of how hard work and dedication can take you anywhere in life.

iPhone 2010

The highly anticipated iPhone is almost here, and due to a scandalous leakage, details of the iPhone have been released on Apple's website. Gizmodo.com was the first to report on the sleek look of the iPhone, creating all the hubbub. Apparently, an apple employee who actually took ownership of the phone left it on a bar stool, and someone picked it up. The iPhone eventually made it back into apple's possession, but didn't stop the rumors.
The expected date for the unveiling of the iPhone 4G is suspected to be June 22, 2010, and other carriers such as Verizon are supposedly are introducing the iPhone to their network. Apple veterans seem to know exactly what to expect. Some exciting, improved features include video chat, new body design, built-in GPS, all-encompassing e-mail (multiple accounts), more design options, removable battery, 64G memory, and OLED screen.
(apple.com, gizmodo.com, hubpages.com)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The End of Facebook Privacy

Since it's creation, Facebook has privacy has progressively become more open. Now in 2010, it has just about reached it's limit. For long-time users this creates frustration because users have barely any control over their privacy settings. Since 2005, Facebook has changed it's default privacy settings, creating a more liberal social networking site.
2005 – No personal information submitted can be accessed by anyone unless they belong to a group that you belong to and is displayed in your profile.
2006 – control of privacy settings and what other see about your profile. Default settings create limitations for users.
2007 – All profile information available for anyone belonging to the same network
2009 – All facebook personal information is available to everyone in default settings.
2010 – When you connect with a certain Facebook-enhanced application, you and your friends pictures, groups, personal info. Etc. is available for the public.
2010 is the newest default settings on Facebook, The only way to not “connect” with the Facebook is to manually change your privacy settings. This has caused an uproar in the Facebook community because it has limited-almost eliminated- user's control over their own personal information on the Web. Facebook is still the leading social networking site, and the larger Facebook grows, the less privacy it allows for it's users.

“Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline”
Kurt Obsahl