Tuesday, May 11, 2010

iPhone 2010

The highly anticipated iPhone is almost here, and due to a scandalous leakage, details of the iPhone have been released on Apple's website. Gizmodo.com was the first to report on the sleek look of the iPhone, creating all the hubbub. Apparently, an apple employee who actually took ownership of the phone left it on a bar stool, and someone picked it up. The iPhone eventually made it back into apple's possession, but didn't stop the rumors.
The expected date for the unveiling of the iPhone 4G is suspected to be June 22, 2010, and other carriers such as Verizon are supposedly are introducing the iPhone to their network. Apple veterans seem to know exactly what to expect. Some exciting, improved features include video chat, new body design, built-in GPS, all-encompassing e-mail (multiple accounts), more design options, removable battery, 64G memory, and OLED screen.
(apple.com, gizmodo.com, hubpages.com)

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